We’re so glad you’re here! Thank you for taking the time to learn the whole story about orphaned and vulnerable children! You have an incredible opportunity to help see more vulnerable children in families. Here are some ways you can participate.

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Support The Archibald Project and help us produce more media like Reimagine Orphan Care, that helps vulnerable children.

We’d love for you to consider supporting organizations that we know are doing amazing work to empower families and communities.

Did you know that your help is needed for vulnerable children and families in your own city? You can help so many children by becoming a CASA or providing respite for foster families.

Go serve with an organization that is supporting families or doing community empowerment.

If you decide to serve vulnerable families through a short term trip, use this guide to help you plan.

Organizations We Love

If you need more ideas on how to get involved, please reach out. We’d love to hear from you!

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Gain Practical Insight

short term mission

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Share this message! Please invite your church, friends, and family to learn the whole story.

short term mission

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learn more on our blog


Gain Practical Insight