If you are currently supporting an orphanage, please don’t stop. Truly! But also, don’t stop there! When donors withdraw funding suddenly or rapidly, children suffer. Consider ways to leverage your support without threatening to remove it. The home you support needs to know that you are not expecting their model to transform overnight. Finding safe family members or alternative families for children may take some time, but we can start taking steps now.
If your church supports an orphanage, ask for a meeting with your church’s mission pastor or director. Show them this series and ask if together you might be able to come up with ways to support those same kids…in families!
Connect or gather with others who are also passionate about vulnerable children, share this series, and work together to spread the word and raise money for family care models.
Use these videos to begin conversations with the leadership or board of directors of the orphanage you support.
Learn more about the kids and their families at the orphanage you support by filling out this form with your orphanage partner.
GCA will reach out to you for potential next steps in supporting the children you care about.
Listen to our podcast to dig deeper into these complex and nuanced issues. (Coming Soon!)
Consider expanding your support to include organizations that are working to help get children into families, support vulnerable families, and empower entire communities.
Find organizations that do work to uplift the community in the same area as the orphanage you support.
If you need more ideas on how to better use your donation or how to approach your church, community, or orphanage, please reach out. We’d love to help you. Click here to contact us.
Check out these resources.
Share this message! Please invite your church, friends, and family to learn the whole story.
success stories
short term missions
new podcast interviews
Faith to Action - An Introduction to Family Care
Faith to Action - Transitioning to Family Care for Children: A Guidance Manual
Better Care Network - Phases of Transitioning