Could All the Orphaned Children Just Go Home?


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Are orphanages the best way to care for orphaned children? Is there actually a better way? The answers to these questions could define the next generation of vulnerable children. Join us as we dig deeper into these complicated issues and the origins and motivations behind our recently released video series called Reimagine Orphan Care.

Podcast interview with creators of Reimagine Orphan Care!


What Does Reimagining an Orphanage Actually Look Like?

This is a complex question that thousands all over the world are trying to answer.
We all want children in families but it’s not as simple as just sending them all home. Thankfully our friend and colleague Jedd Medefind joins us to talk through how we address the complexities and nuance of each child’s situation while still keeping family as our goal.

Travel with us to Maesot, Thailand to hear from the Thai Director of Global Child Advocates on what it looks like to run 4 children’s homes to closing them all down and finding safe family for each child.
Learn more about why we have orphanages and and orphan crisis to begin with here!
Watch our Orphan Care Travel Show, The Advocates, Thailand episode with Daniel here!



How to Untangle Your Calling to Fund an Orphanage

How Do I Know If An Orphanage Is Dangerous? 

All over the world there are people who felt clearly called by God to either fund a children’s home, serve at one, or leave everything to start an orphanage. But now that we know that orphanages and children’s homes are not the way we should be aiming to care for vulnerable children, how are we supposed to view that very real and clear calling?

Thankfully our friend Brandon Stiver walked this journey. From being called and moving overseas to work at an orphanage to now being one of the biggest advocates for getting children in families, Brandon is perfectly positioned to help us unpack these important and complicated questions.


In most of our minds, orphanages are viewed as a protector of vulnerable children. This can be true, but often an orphanage can be a deceptive place that is using it’s position and power to serve selfish interests and even harm the children it claims to protect. This is why is so important to understand the warning signs.
Our guest, Rebecca Nhep, is an expert in this field and has even been a part of closing down multiple nefarious orphanages. She is here to share her invaluable knowledge and wisdom and help us all understand the urgency behind reimagining the way we care for vulnerable children.